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part 3: who are we?
Before production begins, ask questions.
With an endless offering of churches, what makes yours unique and appealing?
How will a church-shopper know that your church might be a good fit for their needs?



The Obligatory Mission Statement
“St Bede’s is an all inclusive parish that loves Jesus and practices living a Christian life.”
“St Joan of Arc is a loving family of faith. We welcome you just as you are with love, hospitality and lots of ways to find your place.”
“We are traditional parish that celebrates the movement of a modern society, one foot in the ancient rhythms while honoring a contemporary beat.”
What's wrong with these mission statements?
The above churches lack a definitive identity. By making their identity so bland and all-inclusive, they leave a seeker with no clear picture of what they might be entering. In the 21st Century, going to church is a very intentional act to most Americans. Do not assume someone is just going to check out your church because you hang an Episcopal flag or a sign that says, “All Are Welcome.”
Your team will create something a little different. Maybe your current mission statement is perfect. Maybe it is a mess. Either way, put it aside, and let’s try a few exercises to see if you can nail the heart and soul of your Christian community. If you all cannot verbalize what makes your church so special, how will you be able to convince anyone else?
Recognize and craft your Church's Brand.
Exercise 3 will ask your team to pretend they are on Shark Tank.
In the popular competition show The Shark Tank, the contestants have 90 seconds to pitch their product to a board of investors.
The most successful contestants are able to communicate the purpose and effectiveness of the product clearly and succinctly.

If you were brought on this show and someone asked you why they should invest their time and money into your church, what would you say in 90 seconds?
Click the picture to download the worksheet for exercise three.
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