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part 17: shoot like an editor

Keep a few things in mind while you're filming.
Another advantage of creating a storyboard and a shot sheet, even for a Welcome Video, is that you will know exactly what footage you need in order to create your story. If you know that you will only have a 5 second shot of children playing, then don’t spend 1 hour getting different angles of the tikes running around with Noah’s Arc. Find a couple angles that look exciting on your view finder, shoot 2 minutes clips from each angle, and move on.
Remember, once you are done shooting, you will upload all the footage onto your computer and then have to assess what makes the cut and what sees the trash. Options are good when you know exactly what you need. If you capture endless footage from various events, you will add hours to your time in front of the computer assessing which 10 second clip will best suit your needs.

Go get some great footage!

Try to remember everything you've learned so far about sound, lighting, framing, and storytelling as you capture your film.

© 2018 by EVN

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