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part 16: the shot list
Here's where it all comes together before you hit record.

Lots of previous sections in EVN have talked about your storyboard and referenced your shot list. A shot list is typically given to all the crew members on your set, and lists all the shots that are going to take place that day. After meeting as a team, choose one person who will act as director. He or she will begin to utilize the storyboard, along with the team’s input and notes on angles, lighting, and framing, to assemble a shot list that creates an order and direction of how the video will be created. And remember...
...the best filmmakers are the most prepared filmmakers.
How to use a shot list...

Top Line
If you and your team wish to have titles of Producer and Director feel free to fill in their names, but it may not be necessary for your production.
Scene Number
Your story board will help as you will number each scene (which can be called picture or frame). For instance, if you are planning to shoot at the church picnic, the cookout may be Scene #5 and have 3 different shots. Therefore, Scene #5 would be listed 3 times for each shot.
Shot Number and Angle
If you're filming parishioners BBQ-ing, how many different “shots” do you want? If you want to get footage of the hamburgers being cooked, do you want Shot #1 to be a Long Shot Profile of the grill masters? Shot #2 could be a Close-Up Frontal of the actual hamburgers on the grill.
It will be helpful to note if you're on a tripod or handheld here. Are you moving? Is your subject?
INT/EXT and Time of Day
Make notes here about natural and artificial lighting and location.
Shot Description and Notes
Important information about the shot is placed here. Do you want the camera to be hand held to create specific movement? Would you rather have it on a tri-pod? Do you need the grill masters to be laughing? Make notes.
Having your storyboard and shot list completed ahead of time will allow you to see your project before you even show up on set. You will be able to trouble shoot before an actual problem happens. Why? Because you saw it in your storyboard/shot list first.
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